Ack it's too early for all this rain. We are in danger of flooding...way too soon. Too soon for flooding...yeah it floods here on Cedarbrook Steading. Some years are more so than others. Last year our fields looked like lakes but it was not that much of an inconvenience. We didn't have to move cattle to higher ground. This year, hmmm...we're keeping our fingers crossed.
I've been busy making product and catching up. Last week I made healing salves and lotions. Today I finished making creams. Maple syrup time. Some collecting was done over the weekend. I hosted the A&S project day yesterday and we finished bottling our hard cider.
I posted a pic of three of our horses. I am anxious to do some riding soon. Chiree, Greyboy and Angel. My hips and knees haven't been to bad this winter as I think I've got a handle on my lymes. Yeahhhh horse back riding again!
Ok off to make potluck for COA Scouts tonight.
Winchester has his paper work back from Eagle Scout. We are very proud of him. We will have a small celebration with the troop and venture crew. Remington is finishing up his requirements and will work on his project this summer. Whooo hoooo!
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