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Welcome! In April of 2012 we moved from the homestead in Aitkin County to settled on a little hobby farm south of Brainerd. We still enjoy the country life but in a much smaller scale. My 23 years on the homestead taught me skills I will carry with me for the rest of my life; sustainable, back to basics and heirloom living. Enjoy your visits as we are on a new adventure, living and loving our little hobby farm in the oak and pines.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Seed Planting
I was jammin last weekend and got most of my seeds started! Whooo hoooo!
I discovered I didn't have much for tomato seeds though. So today at Fleet Farm I found three heirloom varieties and got three flats of those planted tonight. What a relief. I thought I wouldn't get them started in time with the way I am scrambling around here.
The absolutely neatest part about my seed planting is that I have a greenhouse to start them in. Instead of tarping off the back room in my shop and having a blazing wood fire going, I now have this nifty little green house that my small space heater keeps oh so warm and toasty. I am excited. My back room is still open for projects!
My hubby and boys did a fantastic job building the green house. Plenty of room for as many plants as I want.
The second pic is of my hubby tilling up the garden last year. This is the main large part of the garden. The first pic is where the smaller part of the garden is and the raised beds. My eldest is taking a breather after moving the railroad ties in place.
Check out:
I went in on the package deal of seeds with my friend Christine.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sugar Sapping Time Again
The water has receded enough that we have been putting out the sapping buckets again!
It is sooooo neat how the ice has formed little shelves of ice around the tree trucks. I hope to get some pics of it today and I'll post them.
The sap is just pouring out of the hoses. Yeahhh
It is sooooo neat how the ice has formed little shelves of ice around the tree trucks. I hope to get some pics of it today and I'll post them.
The sap is just pouring out of the hoses. Yeahhh
Monday, April 6, 2009
A blustery day
Another calf was born. It's in the barn with mom and doing well. Beautiful bull calf out of our 0718 Bull. Here I have posted a pic of him in his prime last summer.
For more pictures of our homestead, visit our website.
18 Bull as we affectionately called him was an awesome looking animal with the genetics to boot. It's a shame he was injured this winter and became sterile. Sadly we had to ship him. We have some nice calves out of him, this calf crop.
I ordered chicks today. Usually we order from Privett Hatchery down in New Mexico. None were available until June. It seems people are venturing into sustainable living and the hatcheries are swamped. This is the same I've found with the Seed Companys.
So I called our local hatchery in Pine Center and we'll pick up some broilers there. They are not what we prefer, but they'll suffice.
I am anxiously waiting for our Moscovy ducks to start laying. We have some beautiful colors and can't wait to hatch some out. We will be getting our antique incubator up and running in the next week or two.
Winchester wants to go to scouts tonight, so I'd better get changed and comb my hair.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Saturday Afternoon Break
I've been doing taxes this week and finishing them up today and tomorrow. I'll be getting them off to our accountant tomorrow. It is amazing how expensive it was to run this farm last year. With fuel prices the way they were...crazy.
So I'm taking a little break to post here while I'm snacking on our home made Raspberry Pepper Jelly with cream cheese on crackers. Whewwwhhhh it's hot!
Ok I posted a picture here of my Maple Mead. This is by far the best of any of my home brewing so far. The maple syrup along with the honey gives it such a nice mellow flavor. I'm making another batch this week. I've got requests from friends!
My next project is to get the back room here in my shop ready to start some seeds. I am hoping that when everything is germinated that our little green house on the side of my shop will be ready and we can move the plants out there. I am planting mostly heirloom again this year. You just can't beat the taste and health benefits.
Ooohhh, news flash! My facial scrub bar is amazing! I used all high end oils that are nourishing, age defying and rejuvenating and it feels absolutely luxurious. I made a small mold for a test batch, but now knowing how wonderful it turned out, I'll be making a large batch soon.
AND...another news worthy tid bit....I bought a milk goat! Lilly Bell (and kids) will be coming to live with us as soon as she her kids are born, which are due in two weeks. I have been wanting a goat for years. I am having so much trouble purchasing goat milk for my soaps that I just finally decided enough was enough...I need a goat!
Alright off to finish up taxes.
Goat Milk,
Heirloom Seeds,
home brewing,
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