I was jammin last weekend and got most of my seeds started! Whooo hoooo!
I discovered I didn't have much for tomato seeds though. So today at Fleet Farm I found three heirloom varieties and got three flats of those planted tonight. What a relief. I thought I wouldn't get them started in time with the way I am scrambling around here.
The absolutely neatest part about my seed planting is that I have a greenhouse to start them in. Instead of tarping off the back room in my shop and having a blazing wood fire going, I now have this nifty little green house that my small space heater keeps oh so warm and toasty. I am excited. My back room is still open for projects!
My hubby and boys did a fantastic job building the green house. Plenty of room for as many plants as I want.
The second pic is of my hubby tilling up the garden last year. This is the main large part of the garden. The first pic is where the smaller part of the garden is and the raised beds. My eldest is taking a breather after moving the railroad ties in place.
Check out:
I went in on the package deal of seeds with my friend Christine.
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