Another calf was born. It's in the barn with mom and doing well. Beautiful bull calf out of our 0718 Bull. Here I have posted a pic of him in his prime last summer.
For more pictures of our homestead, visit our website.
18 Bull as we affectionately called him was an awesome looking animal with the genetics to boot. It's a shame he was injured this winter and became sterile. Sadly we had to ship him. We have some nice calves out of him, this calf crop.
I ordered chicks today. Usually we order from Privett Hatchery down in New Mexico. None were available until June. It seems people are venturing into sustainable living and the hatcheries are swamped. This is the same I've found with the Seed Companys.
So I called our local hatchery in Pine Center and we'll pick up some broilers there. They are not what we prefer, but they'll suffice.
I am anxiously waiting for our Moscovy ducks to start laying. We have some beautiful colors and can't wait to hatch some out. We will be getting our antique incubator up and running in the next week or two.
Winchester wants to go to scouts tonight, so I'd better get changed and comb my hair.
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