My Mom and myself went up to see Dr. Gus in Walker yesterday. I suspected that my Lymes had been flaring up again and then I had been very sick with severe flu like symptoms for over a week. Mom also believed that Lyme was causing her alot of discomfort as well.
It was confirmed for both of us that Lymes was acting up again and of course we both were suffering from a type of flu as well. What was so interesting was that Black Walnut Hull Tincture works on this particular flu and also my Comfrey Tincture works as well.
I would like to share with you a post from Ingrid of I recieved today.
The Pandemic That Isn't & the Worry That Is
Dear Subscribers,
I missed my Sunday reflections but not because I wasn't in my usual
reflective mode but rather because I couldn't quite line up the parts
of the vision in a sequential mode. You know these letters of the
alphabet have to in a queue and that wasn't how my mind was working
on Sunday.
Obviously, I am very influenced by the incoming communications and
these covered a fairly wide range of topics: dental problems, almost
entirely due to amalgams and the effect the mercury in the amalgams
has on the immune system; parasites because of my recent posts and
summer biting season; the
pandemic and vaccines; and my own special
interest which is how to get our third eye to function the way that
is intended.
I will begin hosting when my designer has time to work
on it. He has been busy and now is vacationing but he can pull it
together in one day when he is back at his desk. In the meantime, let
me hit the highlights.
Mercury is not stable because it liquefies and vaporizes at
temperatures considerably below that of the body and the hot
beverages put into the body. This means that leaching begins
practically the moment the filling is placed in the tooth and then is
aggravated by chewing and chemical reactivity with certain foods and
medicines. Why we use mercury is a long story told in a pdf I posted
some time back: is no medical reason for using mercury and it has been banned
in many countries.
Not everyone is equally sensitive to mercury toxicity because some
people manage to excrete it from their bodies better than other
people. This fact was discovered when doing research on autistic
children. Contrary to what was expected, the volume of mercury in the
waste products was higher in those with the lowest incidence of
attention deficit disorder and
autism. From this came some useful
language: good excreters and poor excreters. In short, the more
efficiently your body deals with the toxins, the more likely it is
that your symptoms will be fewer despite similar exposure and insult
to your body.
I could go on and on but I want to toss fluoride into the equation
for one very simple reason that my dentist friends appreciate and
will therefore not hold against me for writing. It is illegal in
Scotland and several other parts of the world but peddlers can still
get free public service announcements in our media to hype this
hugely dangerous chemical.
Why mention it? I mention it because tens of thousands of highly
trained professionals have been carefully instructed in how to poison
you under the guise of "health care" and all my conscious dentist
friends would be hugging me now if they could. They are more
concerned even than I am because the alternatives to toxic materials
are not well known and seldom made available to patients.
Between toxic dental procedures and parasites, many people are
suffering from a drastically reduced quality of life. The parasites
can cause malnutrition and anemia and a few other problems, but
compared to the toxins, their impact on the body is more organic and
therefore not usually as dangerous.
This said, I have been communicating with Regine, head of our Congo
project, practically daily for a few years now and the parasite issue
is immense in Africa and
Asia and
Latin America and quite serious in
more temperate zones as well. We were talking about different
artemisias and I commented that the rabbits did not start chomping on
my A. absinthium until the mosquitoes appeared. They are very much
more adjusted to the natural world than I am so I continue to find my
small garden a great place to further my education.
The problem with A. absinthium (wormwood) is that it contains
significant levels of thujone which happens to be the chemical in
thuja that is believed to help to antidote the effects of vaccines. I
think the amount contained in my Algonquin formula is much safer than
what you get in a capsule or extract form of A. absinthium. I were simply taking a parasiticide on an ongoing basis, I would
rotate once the major cleanse is completed. For instance, if you use
my ParaPro, the three formulas, as suggested on Kitchen Doctor
, you could, after a few months, switch to using Black Walnut
sometimes and Boswellia Serrata another time and Artemisia Annua
another time. This said, there are also nuances that can help you
choose the right herb. For instance, if your equilibrium is off, take
boswellia because we know it reduces
edema in the brain. If your
stomach feels "weird" and you have cramps and bloating, take
Artemisia annua, not absinthium, but annua, because it is a pretty
good stomachic.
The problem with the emails you send me is that I am only getting a
few sentences of information and the issues are very much more
complex. If you are eating a lot of carbohydrates, you are creating a
paradise for the parasites when, for the most part, your intention is
to evict them.
The Pandemic That Isn't
This is the hard part. I listened to the interview with Jane
Burgermeister that is on many web sites ( included but
there is only audio, no video) and she comes across as a very
competent researcher. This morning, I listened to the broadcast on
Project Camelot and it's very difficult to understate the importance
of the material these people are presenting. I anticipated the times
we are now facing because I saw visions as a child and off and on
later in life. Len Horowitz's material is compelling. The incredible
and suspicious links between biological weapons labs and
pharmaceutical companies crosses every line in my book, but there are
some points I want to make that will help some of you.
If you ask your doctor about these issues, you ought to keep in mind
that he or she received training in the same types of institutions as
the dentists who use mercury and fluoride. They have been taught to
fear microbes and trust vaccines. They are not generally up to speed
on the latest revelations provided by courageous whistleblowers and
they certainly do not understand the way the immune system would
handle a microbe if the interferences were not there. This is an "IF"
so big that your life and the lives of those you love hinge on that
One of the achievements of the
Bush administration was to permit
relabeling of out-of-date pharmaceuticals. Another achievement was
the removal of consequences to the drug companies for vaccines that
injure or kill. If you think this problem will just go away, you are
underestimating the amount of time and effort those with power have
put into preparing for the time we are now facing.
Your local officials are probably not very well informed so the law
suits are important. Several prominent Europeans have resigned as a
result of the revelations in the Burgermeister litany of accusations
and criminal charges. This needs to happen on a much larger scale or
your children and grandchildren are going have needles jabbed into
them that precipitate a crisis on a scale never before seen.
I think Conscious Media Network has a way of pulling together
information that makes it possible to assimilate what I am trying to
say. You might want to start with this blog: Third EyeThis has been an interest of mine since childhood but it may seem
very much off topic now. I don't think it is.
Last week, I had another session with the animal communicator. Savika
has been with me nearly a year now and things are settling down. I
cannot begin to tell you how abused she was and what an incredible
gift it is for me to have her as a companion.
I asked her to comment on her time here so far. She said she was very
secure and that she is grateful because she is finally getting a
chance to experience what it is like to be herself, not to have to
worry about things which make her reactive and nervous. She said she
is happy now for the first time in her life and she very much enjoys
how she feels so now she can start taking a little care of me also.
I wanted to know how she planned to do this and once more, her wisdom
blew me out of the water. She said, "Well, when I came here, I rather
expected we would spend more time outside at night looking at the
stars because you need this and I'd like to do this with you."
It tells me that she is completely aware of things she cannot
communicate in ways that are normal. I also wanted to take time to
commend her on her friendly attitude towards the rabbits and even the
snakes we have seen. She said that she understands that we all live
here and she is actually taking some responsibility for protecting
I wanted to set up some system so she could clue me in and she gave a
very detailed description of the back porch and the raised flower bed
in front of it, something I have not posted online so there is no
chance at all that the animal communicator got this information from
anyone but Savika. She told me that I could leave her leash there and
if she picked it up, this was a signal.
This made me think of the ape who drew a picture of where he and the
caregiver went for walks. A few people jumped on me and said, "Let
the animals be animals" but I think they are trying to teach us what
they know and the closer they are to us, the easier it is for them to
figure out what we might understand. As I said, if IQ tests were
written by dogs or birds instead of academicians, I would probably
score in the dunce range. I cannot think of anything more stupid than
not knowing which plants are poisonous or getting lost because you
don't have a sense of direction.
This is getting fairly personal, but my designer is gone so I tried
to get some help for a site by hiring from an online service where
countless people bid on the projects. I posted two projects and had
about 75 bids and was in a total funk because the art is soulless and
mindless and geared exclusively towards getting you to hit the buy
button. I realized that the designers were experts in misleading you
into believing a product is good because of the pictures they use. It
has nothing to do with facts. Okay, this is not really a revelation,
but I was sickened and ended up doing the designs myself because it's
so important that information comes to you from your right brain,
through inspiration, realization, and understanding. From there, it
ought to move to the more intellectual part of your psyche that helps
you interpret what to do with the information and finally, it has to
move out of thought and into action. We were designed to function
this way and we would not make a single mistake if we stayed with the
Plan, but we have been bullied into this left brain tyranny that is
completely misleading us and we need to get off that train and take
another ride.
I want to develop these thoughts because I realize that for some
people, the idea that you can choose which side of your brain to use
is novel, but my weekend with commercial art told me that even the
best designers were not into their right brain so if artists aren't
there, who is? Savika is and the rabbits seem to be so I went
outdoors and planted more yarrow because I really need to get to the
other side of the veil . . . and I think you do, too.
Many blessings,
Ingrid there are some new products for insect bites)
I believe we all have the right to choose our own wellness program. Become informed.
Wishing You Wellness,