Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Summer Solstice Meanderings

The weather gave us a break from rain last weekend and most of the weeding is done. On Saturday my hubby and oldest son went to a family reunion up in Deer River, and my youngest son Remington tilled while I weeded between the plants. More mulching is needed though and we are trying to get that done in between the thunderstorms this week. Monday's downpour put a "damper" on the progress.
Plants are just not growing like they should and most are behind. With this humidity and warmer temps, things should pick up.
I've been busy wild crafting wild rose petals and pineapple weed. Rose Petals are being made into extract for a healing elixir and the pineapple weed is drying for future sleepy time/calming tea blends. I really need to get out and pick Yarrow for extract that is a main ingredient in my bugs away/pest deterrent spray.
Here is the recipe for the Wild Rose Petal Elixir. I ran across this recipe while on the internet looking for the healing properties of the Rose. Not to my surprise, it has many healing properties. This elixir is easy to make and something you won't want to be without, just as I have found.
Take 1 pint canning jar and fill the jar with rose petals. Add raw honey or vegetable glycerine, then fill with vodka or everclear. I like to pack down layers of petals, drizzle glycerine over the petals and than add the alcohol until the jar is filled. Cover and set in a cool dark place for 4-6 weeks (if you can wait that long) and when it's ready, strain and bottle. Externally, Rose Petal Elixir is amazing on burns or wounds. It is an excellent sun burn soother. For this application I like to keep the elixir in a mist/spray bottle. The honey or glycerine holds the elixir in place and adds to the soothing effect. The rose is blood moving, which contributes to pain relief and quicker healing. Anit-inflammatory, anti-bacterial as well astringent, Rose Petal Elixir reduces redness, swelling and possible infection. It is gentle and non-irritating, safe enough to use on baby skin or as a sitz bath but effective enough for most any first aid needed. A drop or two will calm itchy or stinging insect bites, rashes from heat, contact dermatitis, blisters, poison ivy. As a liniment it is effective for relaxing sore muscles, and has a special talent for sharp, shooting sensations related to nerve pain or slipped discs. Internally, use a small amount of elixir for trauma, panic, fear or stressful situations for children, adults or animals. It is calming, and blood moving, helping to move someone out of a paralyzing shock or stuck emotion. It acts as a mild nervine, calming and sedating. It excels at opening the heart and restoring emotional equilibrium. It is anti-spasmodic and can be used externally or internally for mild to moderate cramps.

Summer Solstice on Monday, brought the first hay cutting of the year. We are behind now as the rain just doesn't want to quit. My sons have been getting the machinery ready for raking towards the end of the week..."crossing my fingers'...

Summer Solstice Blessings!